This outpatient mental health practice provides individual psychotherapy to adults. The clinical approach is collaborative, where together we can explore the issues you bring to sessions, utilizing directive and empirically supported treatment modalities tailored to your situation. Psychotherapy is not a numbers game and there is no time frame for treatment - the issues can take 10 minutes or 10 years to resolve. I also practice what I preach and have been on my own journey towards psychological well-being, health and functioning that I hope to impart to others through a safe space open for reflection. I have been where most of my clients are and am happy and committed to help others embark on their own journey of well-being and mental health. It’s essential for the practice that clients get mental health care appropriate for their needs. Additionally, sometimes a client may require more intensive services and a referral can be made. Let us connect virtually or in person to assess your needs and how and if I may be able to assist.